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Just a couple of clicks to create a beautiful book, report or manual

Create your books by uploading your .docx with no special skills or software in your browser

Just a couple of clicks to create a beautiful book, report or manual

Create your books by uploading your .docx with no special skills or software in your browser

Libreus is the number one assistant to help designers, publishing houses, and authors

The service can manage complex documents with large amounts of pages, images, and tables
Upload your book in .docx
The service creates a responsive layout
Download your layout
Service video guide
Libreus saves a lot of money and time!
Save up to €1000 and invest the money into the book promotion
Layout designers can work and make 10 times more!

Libreus has already created over a 1000 books–and the number is growing!

In addition to the finished book, the service generates a working .indd document with layout: book content, text styles, fields and master templates
Size: 200×280 mm
Number of pages: 50
Creation time: 9 min
Just upload your .docx file
Turn the service into the standard in the field of preparing books, magazines, reports, instructions, and other publications
Our pricing policy
The price of the layout depends on the amount of text, pictures, and tables
We are here to answer your questions
Do you have any questions regarding the service or its integration? Write to us!
We work hard to make our clients happy
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