Generations with their own face – limitless possibilities for users

Generations with their own face – limitless possibilities for users
Character reference
In today’s world, technology is evolving rapidly, offering us new and surprising possibilities. One of these innovations is the face replacement or face repeat function available in the Libreus service. This unique feature allows you to create images with your own face, using a powerful neural network to generate the face in your illustrations and photos.
First of all, it is worth noting that thanks to Libreus features, users can immerse themselves in the exciting process of creating content with their own face. Neurophotography for free provides incredible creative opportunities. It is possible to find out the actual cost of the service or even order it online, which makes the use of the technology accessible and convenient.

Neurophotography, character consistency, and their price point

Creation of neurophotography is an actual task for today. To realize it you need to follow simple steps:
  1. Click the “Face Repeat” button to the left of the subject (prompt) input field
  2. Upload a photo with a face and select the area of the face
  3. Describe the story (prompt), in which there is one character, it must be a human (face repetition with non-human or near-human stories is impossible)

How do you do a face swap or face repeat?

  • Affordable price and the ability to open the full functionality of the service: If you want to get advanced features or additional service, you can always find out the current prices and subscribe.
  • Free and online: Many of the service's features are available for free, and the interface is so user-friendly that you can use it anytime over the Internet.

Benefits of Libreus

The face replacement and replay functions in Libreus Libreus  are a step into the future, where anyone can be a content creator and bring their ideas to life from the comfort of their own home. Immerse yourself in the world of neural networks and unleash your creativity by taking advantage of this amazing technology.

Try image generation in Libreus today and see for yourself how easy and convenient it is to create high-quality visuals online and free of charge.

The advantages of Libreus are obvious: ease of use, affordability, and high quality of created images.

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— transform the service into a true standard in the preparation of books, journals, manuals and other publications

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The book up to 80 thousand characters in volume is free on any tariff!